Valued friends and guests of Larry Bourland Poetry;

So much to share this week: our first Featured Poet will be showcased... this will be a 2-week gig for the poet and for each following poet. We’ve chosen 6 incredible local poets to showcase their talent and artistry. Week 7 will be our first showcase. (Who will it be???) Stay tuned!!!
"Post Your Work" on the forum has seen some outstanding work offered up, and I’m encouraging all poets/writers to submit your original work to the site. If you’ve read our terms ‘n conditions, you know by now the site is copyright protected. Just make sure your name accompanies your submission(s) and post away!
Anthony has been busy in the web lab getting partnered up beyond Google & Bing and other platforms, broadening our outreach even further than before. Anthony has also added more of his incredible art to the art gallery; check it out!
On Thursday, February 22, Our favorite poetry open mic night is back in Durango at Sustainable Goods, 1259 Main Ave. 6-8pm. Hosted by Ally Rennell. It’s always fun and entertaining when the town comes out to share and listen to poetry and tall tales. Claire has hot tea and baked goods to keep us warm and cozy. So come join us!!!

Ester Belin & Zoe Golden
Coming to Durango Library
February 26, 6-7pm.

Word Honey is celebrating Poetry Month in April with a public art display to include a poetry exhibit! Check out the flyer for details; it sounds exciting!
I’m hoping to share renowned artist Carrie Ann Baade’s spectacular paintings on the website next week.

Google her bio and work and be prepared to be blown away!
Anthony and I are working on developing a showcase for our local Veterans, as vets ourselves we understand the experiences and demands of military service and the need for reaching out to help those who keep our country secure. We also know veterans are a rich source of inspiration for the arts community here in Durango. We look forward to their support in strengthening our artistic program.
If you’re enjoying the website content, feel free to email your comments directly to me at I’d love to hear from you! Suggestions? Recommendations?
As always, word of mouth is a powerful ally in promoting what you enjoy. Please continue to spread the word of our website to your FB and IG friends ‘n family. It’s because of your interest and participation that this project is such a success!!!!!
Week 7 Features the following:
GIVE AND TAKE -L. Bourland
SEASONS -L. Bourland
CUISINE -L. Bourland
Featured Poet will come soon, stay tuned!

We bathe in our passions
we circle in dance
and delight in drink.
Our senses attuned
although a wee bit clumsy,
but what is clumsy when
diving into aching loins?
Night after night
blending into day
into tomorrow
and tomorrow’s memories.
We rush to make
every memory count,
leaving nothing for granted.
Each scrap of our sex
is nibbled up
so, others who follow
have little clue
of our ravage.
But the air is electric
where our loins joined
leaving behind only a hint,
a hint that something
so consuming occurred.
Only a hint
that where they sit
is a place in time
ripe for ravage
and desire.

There’s no greed
or stinginess
in being
properly fucked.
You take
what is
rightly yours
when properly

More seasons have
come and gone
than are left
on my calendar.
I still walk this beach everyday
just lower and slower
always looking back
making sure my footprints
will take me home again.
I watched last summer
like every summer before,
not much changed;
the chase of love continues.
Young lovers,
summer romances,
girls trying to impress
each other,
boys trying to
scratch the itch
of raging hormones
with little success.
But now it’s fall
the beach is desolate,
wind swept,
rain hardened,
tide eroded
just the way I like it.
I have to be here
this same stretch of beach
as I leave a map of memories in the sand.
It’s easier to find my way home
through fall, winter and spring.
It’s only summer that is confusing
but still in a long-lost familiar way.

Lazy months, fickle decades
of passions collected like menus
from the finest restaurants of New York,
bistros of Spain,
delis of Hackensack,
cafés nestled along the Champs-Élysées,
taco wagons of Tucson,
deep fried havens of State Fair Midways
from Canada to Mexico
and every greasy spoon skirting Route 66.
We’ve filled a libraries-worth with menus
of love and emotion.
Every item uniquely flavored
yet, each sharing one common thread
of delectability; they gauge my words in retrospect
clinging to the last vestiges of love.
Therefore, let me be your past
the one who writes upon our heart’s recipes
of a lifetime of fine dining until we have
cleaned our plates, washed our palates
ultimately finding ourselves sitting politely
awaiting dessert.

Voices fill, heads turn, confusion reigns words burn.
Stories loop, endings flee, bad drowns good chances flee.
Minds liberate kindness finds
confusion's grip unwinds.
Time plays, verbs twist in silence
Tranquility insists..
Quiet seeks noise fades, calm whispers shadows shades.
In tranquility a mind rests in simplicity
Eventually finding its quests...
-A. Beadle
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