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Week 2 New Release's Poetry in Durango Colorado

Writer's picture: digitalcommokazidigitalcommokazi

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Welcome to Week 2 of our Poetry in Durango, Colorado series! In this release, we're thrilled to showcase four captivating poems by Larry Bourland. We wholeheartedly invite you to engage with our vibrant community by visiting our website's forum, specifically the "Post Your Work" tab. There, you have the opportunity to share your own work or engage in lively discussions with fellow poetry enthusiasts.

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Thank you immensely for your unwavering support and patronage.

Week 2:







"Explore the vibrant poetry scene in Durango, Colorado, as we delve into the works of local poets and the thriving literary community on Larry Bourland's Poetry Blog."

No one paid attention when we kissed

aboard the city bus,

in the school cafeteria

or on the park bench

that we’d claimed as ours.


No one paid attention when we kissed

at the rodeo,

outside Dolphin Market

or when we walked our kids to school

in the mornings.


No one paid attention when we kissed

aboard the red eye flight

to anywhere or

in the sweet smell of the bakery.


No one paid attention when we kissed

on our 50th

or when lingering a little longer

as we shared a boardwalk stroll.

Well, there was that one time

when 14-year-old gum smackers stared

and said, “Eewww” under their breath.


No one paid attention when we kissed

at the Post Office

retrieving our mail.

After all

it was our PO Box.


No one paid attention when we kissed

in line at the theater box office

or at the ball game

you thinking everyone was cheering for us,

causing you to blush.


No one paid attention when we kissed

during hospital visits

when cadres of doctors

scrambled to save

our broken bodies.

They always prescribed

more kissing.


No one paid attention when we kissed

and we kissed a lot.

It was who we were,

who we are.

We never cared

who cared.

We have been invisible

all of our lives

whenever we kiss.



"Explore the vibrant poetry scene in Durango, Colorado, as we delve into the works of local poets and the thriving literary community on Larry Bourland's Poetry Blog."

Riverboat gamblers

have come and gone,

Mostly gone.


His All-In poker face

telling all comers,

“C’mon, boys, lay it

on the line or go home!”


He might be bluffing

behind that mustache twirling

sneer of supreme ego.

Maybe not…


Deciding to play her hand,

arming herself with a coquettish smile

she goes all-in…

a collective sneer fills the saloon  

the bloodthirsty poker slicks

look on in disbelief at the fortunes

they’ve just staked to the table.


Feigning sad eyes of despair

she lays down a full house,

aces over kings

and steals the pot

including the deeds

to their losing hearts.



"Explore the vibrant poetry scene in Durango, Colorado, as we delve into the works of local poets and the thriving literary community on Larry Bourland's Poetry Blog."

No one prepares you

for the impending anguish

of the depth

of a broken heart

when puppy love

suddenly skids off the road

on a lonely highway.


It is your first love,

there’s no expectation

of agony

when you’ve never

been there before.


The only lesson learned

about the end of love,

then and ever after

is that it hurts.

Not the good kind either.


The First Aid Instruction Manual

dictates the only cure

for pain associated

with Broken Heart Syndrome

(Formerly known as

Puppy Love Broken Heart Syndrome)

is time.

A bitter cure, to be sure.

Time and some nonsense

about going fishing in the ocean.


I thought 

I was too young for a broken heart.

My folks laughed

about how cute I was

having been stricken with

Puppy Love Broken Heart.

I hated my parents

for the first time

as they relished

in my pain

and confusion.

It wouldn’t be

the last time

I would hate them.


Puppy Love


happens only once,

like First Loves,

the pre-orgasmic first loves,

just not as serious.


Falling out of love

took planning.

Falling in love

was as easy as catching the flu.


The immortality

of love

is a given

when falling in love.

It is constant,


as intimate

as Puppy Love.


Time did teach me

when falling

out of love

it is imperative

to maintain

my integrity.



would be the only asset

I could ever salvage.

That and my clothes

or at least

some of my clothes.



"Explore the vibrant poetry scene in Durango, Colorado, as we delve into the works of local poets and the thriving literary community on Larry Bourland's Poetry Blog."

The dead

do not lay


in their graves

quietly in repose

for the dust

of centuries

to claim

their bodies physical.


Every veteran

every fallen soldier’s family

hears the screams of battles courage,

last breath drawn,

last sob wept,

last cheer of

battles victorious,

last click of a mine,

last piece of flesh

torn from stalwart bodies,

last draw of the cigarette,

last cheers

of the little league

home run,

last splash in the pool,

last parting of stolen kisses,

last father’s handshake,

last medal pinned

to overburdened uniforms,

last hand held

of comrade as life ebbs

from enemy wounds,

last glance a dying

soldier’s eye acknowledging the promise

to tell his mother

of her sons last breath.


So, the dead

do not lay in quiet repose

for they fought

for the honor to be in formation

with their comrades

defending hallowed ground

of this brave country

for the ages

ever to be honored.


They scream from

their graves

to fight on.

Four Corners Writers,



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